A New Approach to Care and Support

We believe with a passion that the best way to care for people is to make them happy!

Has2bHappyCare is a Community Asset Based enterprise that sees huge potential in the community to change the way we care for people.

Rather than configure support around disability and illness, we approach care and overall health and well being by building stronger communities and more vibrant social networks. This can enhance an individual’s life leading to healthier, happier people.

Live the Life You Want

“Throw kindness around like confetti”

We all need a purpose in life, a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Everybody has the right to chose what they want to do, when and who they want to do it with. This is could be anything from joining in social activities, catching up with friends, volunteering in the community or going to work.

Our Ten Key Values

At has2bhappycare, we promise:

To support our clients to lead exceptional lives


To develop a culture of mutual support, respect and creativity


To provide high quality care


To create a positive working environment


To embrace diversity and promote social inclusion


To work in a person centred way and continually review what that means and how it can be improved


To empower clients to acheive their goals and make positive changes to their life


To be always looking for the next great thing to do


To keep clients and colleagues well, safe and happy


To build these values into everything that we do


Holistic Approach to Social Care

Strong communities, happy lives.


A heart-felt message to everyone. Together we will be okay.

Get In Touch

3 + 9 =

The Gatehouse
White Cross
01524 382764